Located in a quite Learning Environment Mong`are College Join the College Now! Be apart of our Mong`are College students Mong`are College Mong`are Teachers College students in one of the Classrooms.The College has standard classrooms for learning. Mong`are Graduation Join the champion Celebrating Achievements Join the Graduation! Mong`are Medical Training College Administration Block Located in a quite Learning Environment Mong`are Medical College Administration Block

About Our College

Mong`are College is currently one of the best training colleges in Hai District,Tanzania.The College offers the following courses under their corresponding departments at Certificate and Diploma Levels:

-Nursery Teacher Education

-Primary Teacher Education

-Secondary Teacher Education.

-Pharmaceutical Sciences

-Clinical Medicine.

-Qualifying Test (QT)

-O-Level Resitters

-A-Level Resitters.

-Computer and ICT Courses.

The College and its departments are registered by various government Authorities including:

-The Ministry of Education,Science and Technology No. CU.150,

-The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) No.TLF/013,

-The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) No. E.0654,

-Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) No.VET/KLM/PR/2013/C/025,

-The Pharmacy Council of Tanzania for Pharmaceutical Courses,

-The Ministry of Health,Community Development,Gender,Elderly and Children and its departments are concerned with the Medical Training Courses at our Mong`are Medical Training College Department.

-The Private Candidates Center (for QT and Resitters) is registered with the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) No.P4936

Mong`are Medical Training College Administration Block

Apply for Admission

2020 applications are now open

Applications are now open for the 2020/21 Academic Year for the already registered courses.To get the Application form send a what sup message with the words “NAOMBA FOMU” to +255 755 679228 or +255718672064 and the documents shall be sent to you immediately.You may also download the forms and joining instructions from this website and follow the instructions inside.

For more details:Contact the Admissions Office 0718672064 / 0755 679 228 / 0654 314 133 or Email: mongarecollege@yahoo.com

Mong`are Principal,Mattowo

Principal`s Message

Mong`are Teachers College Principal’s Message
Dear Students,
We are happy that you are thinking of applying for Admission in Mong`are College which is known for its excellence in Certificate and Diploma courses. Right from its inception, the college has striven to become the college which nurtures teachers and medical professionals and meets the expectations of ever changing career world. Commanding vast resources of intellectual capital, top class infrastructure and many years legacy in the sector, Mong`are has developed a unique brand and tradition. The students are provided with a student centred environment and a Tanzanian curriculum that stimulates thinking and action. To support and facilitate this experience, Mong`are has reputed human resource, educated and trained from renowned educational institutions with sound level work experience in industry.
Mong`are College is well-known for providing quality education in education and other Nationally Accredited courses. One feature of our Education and other programs is close working relationships between faculty and students, both inside and outside the classroom. Teaching is not just delivering content to our students, but a continuous intellectual exchange between the two parties. It is this bidirectional flow of ideas that provides an ideal environment for learning. It is through this process that tutors learn how to teach and Mong`are College students learn how to learn.

Principal, Mong`are Teachers College, Hai Kilimanjaro

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Board Chair`s Message

Message from the Board Chairperson:



(Mr.Felix Manyanga)

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Director,Mong`are College

Director`s Message

Director,Mong`are College

Director`s Message The Challenge of Greatness I wish to thank you for showing interest in Mong`are College, Hai District-Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. We have been providing quality education in education and a good count of students have graduated from this college since its inception. “Good” may be good enough for some. But most of us want more than that. Something inside the Mong`are College Community makes us want to be better than good. While financial performance and physical structures has often been the only “measure of greatness” people look at, we don`t sail in the same boat; our outlook is that to be a great institution we should value three key “indicators.” These three outcomes produced by superb colleges are:  Customer Oriented. We seek to earn not only the “satisfaction” of our customers, but their true loyalty.  Highly engaged employees. The people who work at great organizations are more than satisfied—they are energized and passionate about what they do. A “Lean” approach. We do more than “business as usual”—we are always looking at how we can provide better service to our Students, Staff and Faculty. You can at any time during office time contact the Principal at +255654314133 or Director at +255717622555 for any dis/satisfaction services at the college / Muda wowote usiporidhishwa na huduma unazopata chuoni kwetu tafadhali wasiliana na Mkuu wa Chuo au Mkurugenzi kwa namba hizo hapo juu muda wa ofisi akusaidie kurejelea huduma hizo ili uhudumiwe kwa wakati na kwa ubora wetu.

Mr. J. Msaki

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Bible`s Word

Word from the Bible
‘Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.’
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and will show thee great things, and difficult, which thou knowest not.
‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know.
Call to me and I will answer and reveal to you wondrous secrets that you haven’t known.
‘Call out to me, and I will answer you — I will tell you great things, hidden things of which you are unaware.’”
Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don’t know and can’t find out.
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and I will shew thee great and hidden things, which thou knowest not.
Cry to me and I will hear thee: and I will shew thee great things, and sure things which thou knowest not.
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Apply To Mong`are College

Donate Books to Mong`are College

Assist Mong`are College

You can decide to support any of the college projects or directly pay tuition fees for the needy students who hardly afford it.Contact the College Principal for information of the needy students or of the current projects

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